M. Adlan Ramly
UX/UI Designer, AR/VR Developer, HCI Researcher


Product Designer & Developer
Best Student Project in Physics Class


​A small high school project that uses solar cells and pressure sensors to be used as hybrid powered phone charger embedded to an umbrella for tropical countries.

Built using a recycled umbrella, solar cell, pressure sensors, a modified circuit from a portable battery pack, and a USB 2.0 cable.

Background Research

Smartphones are revolutionary devices that people rely on in their everyday lives. It all started when I noticed that everyone needed extra power for their phones. Although, Indonesia has scarce electrical power which causes frequent power outage. Therefore in suburban & rural areas, electricity is difficult to obtain. Aside from that, Indonesia also faces a problem where there are too many battery waste. Indonesia is one of the tropical countries that has monsoon season: rain season & dry season. By taking advantage of what nature offers and using recycled materials, I am interested to create an umbrella that can charge smartphones for hot & rainy seasons without electricity in hopes of helping the community and saving the environment.

Rough Sketches